至臻美味 饕餮盛宴 | 元素西餐厅自助晚餐
UP ChinaTravel
2024-10-10 01:55:01

Global Treasure Feast by Elements at Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai

Winter is coming and getting cold. Do you want to join a delicious feast to warm your taste buds and stomach? The chef team of Elements have selected seasonal winter ingredients and prepared a newly upgraded buffet dinner, and invite you to savour a winter gourmet journey.

The new buffet dinner retains the unique Cuban cuisine, cold and hot Chinese cuisine, Western cold cuts, seafood, Japanese cuisine, etc. Three menus are provided in turn every day to ensure that different dishes and flavours can be presented every time the guests arrive.New seasonal dishes such as hot pot, Zhoupu lamb with Chinese herbs and Sichuan spicy pot bring you warm enjoyment in this cold winter. Have a taste of the eight-hour stewed Zhoupu lamb soup. With a bite of the lamb, a mouthful of fragrance advances layer by layer from the tip of the tongue to the stomach, leaving the taste in the bottom of the heart. Choose a classic mushroom soup or a spicy Chongqing hot pot, with a few slices of freshly cut beef shoulder meat or beef upper brain in the steaming soup bottom to get the simplest sense of happiness in the dense atmosphere.

You can also enjoy selections of global gourmet cuisines, with the coveted fried French foie gras made on site, the fragrant spaghetti prepared in a cheese bowl, braised lamb in brown sauce, spicy sheep scorpion, handmade lamb dumplings, flame-seared salmon nigiri and Nanman chicken nuggets.

In addition, Elements also prepares specific dishes served on seat for each diner, which allows you to enjoy both a buffet and a fine-dining experience at the same time, with Boston lobster with two optional flavours, steamed male hairy crab and baked Thai Roche shrimp with cheese.

After enjoying all kinds of delicious food, you can end the feast with exquisite desserts. A wide range of cakes and puddings at the dessert stations take you to explore the tenderness and romance of desserts, and give you the enjoyment of beauty and delicacy.

Valid 9 December 2021 – 31 March 2022

Opening hours: 17:30–21:30

至臻美味 饕餮盛宴 | 元素西餐厅自助晚餐










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