上海龙之梦万丽酒店任命陈韡(Jo Chen)女士为市场总监
UP ChinaTravel
2024-10-26 03:07:56







Jo Chen

Director of Marketing

Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel

Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Jo Chen as the Director of Marketing of the hotel. As an hotelier with rich experience in international brand hotels, Ms. Chen is responsible for sales, marketing communications, meeting groups and catering of this landmark hotel in Shanghai.

"We warmly welcome Ms. Chen to join us," said Mr. David Cao, the general manager of Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel. "We expect Ms. Chen to create better performance for the hotel with outstanding leadership, senior management experience and continuous pursuit of excellent service."

Ms. Chen has over 10 years’ experience in reputable hotel brands such as Hyatt on the Bund Shanghai and Courtyard Shanghai Xujiahui, steadily accumulating various hotel sales experience and excellent leadership.

With the extensive hospitality experience, Ms. Chen stands out in hotel sales with extraordinary feat of leadership and unique perspective. With her rich practical experience, excellent executive management ability, acute market awareness and hospitality concept, hotel will take advantage of current situation and reach a new height. Ms. Chen is not only enthusiastic about her work, but also loves travelling and reading.

About Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel

A swanky 60-storey building with a Sky Lobby on the 25th floor, 667 guest rooms offering panoramic views, innovative restaurants and over 2200 square meters of meeting space including an unobstructed ballroom at 1, 250 square meters. Hotel is located directly above Zhongshan Park Metro station where is very convenient to get access to many popular local destinations.



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