日矢宣新 米其林星厨JASON ATHERTON新意呈现
UP ChinaTravel
2024-07-08 01:01:38

米其林名厨Jason Atherton为上海艾迪逊酒店倾力打造的“居酒屋”风格餐厅日矢(HIYA)推出全新菜品。他将自己在全球旅行途中对日本饮食的认知融合于国际化的日式居酒屋形态,通过别出心裁烹饪方式,臻选食材和现代烹饪技巧为宾客呈现集创新及经典为一体的日式料理。

(Jan 1st 2023. Shanghai, China) Michelin-starred chef Jason Atherton has launched a brand-new menu for the "izakaya" style restaurant HIYA in the Shanghai EDITION. He integrated his cognition of Japanese cuisine during his global travels into the international Japanese izakaya form, and presented innovative and classic Japanese cuisine with carefully selected ingredients for guests through ingenious cooking techniques.


On the 27th floor is HIYA, meaning “Clouds in the Sky”. Slick, sophisticated and glamorous, this intimate destination is the place to be for Shanghai’s elite and those in-the-know. The menu features an array of authentic, seasonal Japanese dishes, such as sashimi with delicate garnishes, open temaco and hibachi grilled meats, as well as serving an extensive Sake selection.

此次,米其林星厨Jason Atherton全新心意呈现,融创新及经典,集多元文化为一体的日式珍馐,将“创新、时令和细致”充盈于每一道菜品与宾客用餐体验之间。

This time, Michelin-starred chef Jason Atherton presents a brand new combination of innovation and classics, and integrates multicultural Japanese delicacies, filling "innovation, seasonality, and delicacy" into each dish and the dining experience of guests.


The new menu features many signature dishes such as Koji Cured Salmon, Chawanmushi, Grilled M8 and Wagyu Sirloin. The marbled Wagyu beef is carefully grilled over a Japanese-style charcoal fire. Chawanmushi chooses seasonal mushrooms, pine needle oil, black truffle, and other ingredients, which are boiled into a clear soup base, and creates a classic Japanese tea bowl steaming. Selected ingredients are cooked in a simple way to restore the good taste of the food.

新菜推荐 New Recommendation:


Koji Cured Salmon, Smoked Salmon Broth, Pickled Fennel, Cucumber


The cured salmon, marinated in Japanese koji, is delicate and soft, and complements the smoked salmon clear soup. The refreshing pickled fennel and cucumber garnishes not only add visual colour, but also balances the taste of the salmon.


Boston Lobster, Lobster Consomme Jelly, Sweetcorn Puree, BBQ Corn


The bouncy Boston lobster is paired with the crystal-clear lobster soup jelly. Every bite is full of sincerity and umami taste.


Beef Fat Gougere, M8 Wagyu Beef Tartare, Horseradish Cream, Caviar


The Wrap M8 Wagyu tartare and horseradish cream served in butter puffs and garnished with caviar, is a complex, yet perfectly balanced and flavoured dish.


Cured and Poached Foie Gras, Monaka, Apple lime Gel, Beetroot Port Gel, Port Glazed Plums


The foie gras is cooked at a low temperature to highlight its flavour and texture. Paired with fresh and sour apple lime gel and port wine beetroot gel, it is refreshing creating a burst of various flavours in the mouth.


Grilled M8 Wagyu Sirloin, Grilled Onion, Picked Shallot, Onion Red Miso Puree,Mizuna Salad


Choose M8 Wagyu Sirloin. The marbled Wagyu beef is carefully grilled over a Japanese-style charcoal fire. It is refreshing, creating a burst of various flavours in the mouth.


Chawanmushi, BBQ Scallop, Root Vegetables, Seasonal mushroom, Pine Oil, Black Truffle,Mushroom Sauce


The carefully curated seasonal mushrooms, cooked with pine needle, oil black truffle and other ingredients, are boiled into a clear soup, creating a classic Japanese tea bowl steaming. The taste is fresh, tender, and smooth, clear but not bland, leaving an unforgettable impression on the lips and teeth.


电话:021 5368 9531
用餐时段:每日11:30 - 14:00,14:30 - 16:30,17:30 - 22:30

关于Jason Atherton

米其林星级名厨Jason Atherton在事业初期曾与Pierre Koffmann、Marco Pierre White、Nico Ladenis和Ferran Adria等厨坛巨星一起在el Bulli共事,随后在2001年加入Gordon Ramsay 集团,在伦敦开出城中最受欢迎的餐厅之一maze,之后更在全球多个城市开设分店。

2010年,Jason离开Gordon Ramsay,成立了自己的餐饮公司The Social Company。2011年4月,他在伦敦Mayfair开出首家旗舰餐厅Pollen Street Social,开业仅六个月即获得米其林一星荣誉,英国本土权威餐厅评级Rosettes 5AA级别,以及The Good Food指南最佳英国餐厅第三名。自此之后,The Social Company迅速发展成为蜚声全球的餐饮集团。除了伦敦的餐厅外,他还在香港、上海、迪拜、多哈、圣莫里茨等多地开设备受好评的餐厅,包括位于纽约艾迪逊酒店的米其林星级餐厅The Clocktower。

Jason Atherton始终强调食物的摩登性与融合性,而不单重视食材的矜贵与烹饪的复杂程度,也正因如此,他的餐厅很受年轻一辈食客的欢迎。


Jason Atherton started out working alongside great chefs including Pierre Koffmann, Marco Pierre White, Nico Ladenis and Ferran Adria at el Bulli, before joining the Gordon Ramsay Holdings in 2001 and launching ‘Maze’, first in London and then another five globally.

Jason left Gordon Ramsay Holdings in 2010 to launch his own restaurant company, Jason Atherton Ltd. His flagship restaurant ‘Pollen Street Social’ opened in April 2011 in Mayfair and was awarded a Michelin star within just six months of opening, alongside 5 AA Rosettes and no.3 in The Good Food Guide’s best UK restaurants. Since then, Jason’s ‘The Social Company’ has grown into a globally renowned restaurant group, with a portfolio of restaurants which include the Michelin-starred City Social, as well as Social Eating House, The Blind Pig bar, Little Social, Harrods Social and Berners Tavern – named ‘the defining restaurant of the decade’. Alongside his London restaurants, Jason has also opened critically-acclaimed restaurants in Shanghai, Dubai, Mykonos and St Moritz.

Jason Atherton has always emphasized the modernity and combination of food as the priority, as well as the uniqueness of the ingredients and the complexity of cooking techniques. This has attracted epicurean diners to his restaurants.



由伊恩•施拉格先生(Ian Schrager)与万豪国际集团联手打造,完美融合两者在精品酒店业的独到眼光和运营经验,EDITION开创了亲切私密,与众不同的酒店体验。




EDITION Hotels is an unexpected and refreshing collection of individualized, customized, one-of-a-kind hotels which redefines the codes of traditional luxury. Displaying the best of dining and entertainment, services and amenities “all under one roof’, each EDITION property is completely unique, reflecting the best of the cultural and social milieu of its location and of the time.

Conceived by Ian Schrager in a partnership with Marriott International, EDITION combines the personal, intimate, individualized experience that Ian Schrager is known for, with the global reach, operational expertise and scale of Marriott. The authenticity and originality that Ian Schrager brings to this brand coupled with the global reach of Marriott International results in a truly distinct product sets itself apart from anything else currently in the marketplace.

Each hotel with its rare individuality, authenticity, originality, and unique ethos reflects the best of the cultural and social milieu of its location and of the time. Although all the hotels look completely different from each other, the brand's unifying aesthetic is in its approach and attitude to the modern lifestyle rather than its appearance. EDITION is about an attitude and the way it makes you feel rather than the way it looks. Sophisticated public spaces, finishes, design and details serve the experience, not drive it.

For an underserved market of affluent, culturally savvy and service-savvy guests, the EDITION experience and lifestyle explores the unprecedented INTERSECTION and the perfect BALANCE between taste-making design and innovation and consistent, excellent service on a global scale.

Currently operating hotels in New York, London, Miami Beach, Sanya, China and Bodrum. Future hotels are underway in, Abu Dhabi, Barcelona, Times Square, New York and West Hollywood.



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